Daily gratitude list
Listened to this guy on YouTube droning about gratitude. “Just three sentences a day for two weeks, and I am less bitter,” he says.
Day one, his dog. Day two, that he doesn’t have cancer. Day 61, grateful for life feels good. He sleeps better.
It’s like unclogging a drain. The gunk of negativity clears. He starts to half-smile, his face muscles relax, he stops frowning. People noticed. Gratitude gave him a facelift. It’s all on YouTube.
Is wellness a scam? Because that is pressure:
“Write down three things you’re grateful for every day.”
Missed two days. Is my process ruined? Did I ruin myself? A self-blaming-attitude-arousing scam. Not.
Alas, a moment of prayer it is. A pause to think. Collect your thoughts. A ciggarette break, if you will. Like this one:
“Reflect on your day. What went right?”
Grateful Nel thinks i’m funny sometimes. Grateful she decided to only mildly roast me this weekend. “Dad, your music sucks” is better than “dad, you’re old and grey and your middle-life crisis is boring.”
“Stuff you love deserves recognition.”
A new function in iPhone. You dictate and edit text simultaenously. V. v. good.
“What’s the one thing that you that made you feel alive today?“
Spontaneous decision to take a different route home. Touristy trail. But not enough new sites and sights. Dogs poop’s everywhere you walk, hence didn’t look up much.
Depression? Study found that falks who wrote about gratitude felt less depressed. So there is that.
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