They say, for gratitude practice, you can take photos, too
“Start a visual gratitude diary. Look for one object you appreciate every day. Look for the good stuff. The point is the act of noticing.”
“Open your phone. Go to your photo library. Create an album. Call it ‘Gratitude’. Every day take one photo. Add the photo to ‘gratitude album’ in the library.”
Called the album “Shit that doesn’t suck.” Just pointed and shot that plant on the ledge that I haven’t killed yet. This place is nursing home for plants, but this one is a beacon of youthful vitality and renewal. It’s new. Plants die here, so have to get new ones from supermarket.
This photo is a middle finger to life which is trying to drown me in bills today. Will try to collecting visual evidence that life isn’t all completely horrible. Maybe will swipe through when receiving the crashing pain of just being alive.
Daily gratitude list:
1. Thankful that I saw the ugliest dog that made me laugh so hard, I snorted. Possibly an inbred. Used to think all dogs appeal to me. But a dog should have a nice face. This one did not.
2. Grateful for rain forecast and weather window for walking Emil.
“Notice your surroundings. Write about what you see around.”
3. Grateful for my kitchen sofa.
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